SAFE MTP with dignity


Affordable and

Female Doctors

12-24 Weeks

No Partner/
Spouse Consent


Pickup and drop

Welcome to Dr. Rupali’s Abortion Centre

Dr. Rupali’s Abortion Centre is an approved registered centre upto 24 weeks from Govt. NCT of Delhi. The Centre has earned huge faith and trust of its patients in short span of time by delivering safe, quality, painfree, affordable, legal abortion services in Delhi. The doctors at Dr. Rupali’s Abortion Centre respect the decision taken by the woman and her partner who don’t want to continue the pregnancy due to several reasons like unwanted pregnancy due to contraceptive failure, health issue, financial instability, change of marital status or even unmarried status. It also provides its advanced medical services to couples who have to terminate the pregnancy on some eugenic grounds like foetal malformation & other humanitarian grounds.

Abortions are required in the following Cases:

  • Failed contraception/Unwanted Pregnancy

  • Congenital Anomalies

  • Intrauterine Fetal Death/Embryonic Demise (IUFD)

  • Retained Products of Conception (RPOC) and continuous bleeding PV

  • Failure of medical methods of Abortion

  • Incomplete Abortions

Procedure of Abortion:

Initial Ultrasound Scan is mandatory to confirm pregnancy before MTP or Abortion. There are 2 types of Methods:

  • Medical Method is viable up to 6 weeks but still uncertain as chances of incomplete abortions are there.

  • Suction Method is 100% Safe and painfree and can be done by any unmarried or married women. Its a 15 Minutes Procedure and Discharge in 3 hours. No Cut, No Stitches and No Side Effects. The Second Trimester MTPs depends upon weeks and thus requires admission of approx. 5 to 6 hours.

How to Prepare yourself

  • The Centre/Clinic Should have Registration Certificate for MTP.

  • The patient has to bring her ID Proof for MTP.

  • The Ultrasound Scan is compulsory before MTP.

  • Basic Blood Tests are required before MTP.

  • The patient should come empty stomach for Suction Method.

  • Don't go to Quacks or unregistered place for MTP'S.

  • Same day rest required after Discharge.

Google Reviews


Successful Procedures

Benefits of the In-Clinic Procedure

  • 15 mins procedure & discharge in 3 hrs* (For 1st Trimester)

  • Ultrasound Guided Scarless Procedure

  • 100% Success Rate

  • No Scar, No Stitches & No Side Effects.

Why pills should not be used?

  • Heavy Blood Loss

  • Side Effects: Nausea, Dizziness & vomiting etc.

  • Risk of incomplete abortion/RPOC

  • Mental Agony as Uncertain

Why Dr. Rupali Abortion Center?

  • Delhi Govt. Registered MTP Centre Upto 24 Weeks.

  • 100% Legal, Safe & Pain Free

  • India’s First Women Centric Exclusive MTP Centre.

  • Free Consultation and Free 4D Ultrasound.

Legal Considerations for MTP

  • Above 18 years of Age

  • MTP allowed upto 24 weeks

  • No Parental/Spouse consent needed

  • Only Aadhar Card/ID Proof of the patient is required

Our Team Of Specialist Doctors

At Dr. Rupali's Medical and Diagnostics we have doctors of various specialization although we are dedicated to Gynae Care and Abortion.

Dr. Rupali Mishra
Dr. Rupali Mishra
Consultant Sonologist & Founder
Dr. Parija Juneja
Dr. Parija Juneja
Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrics
M.B.B.S, M.S (Obs- Gyn)
Dr. Aparna Muddana
Dr. Aparna Muddana
Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrics
M.B.B.S, M.S (Obs- Gyn)
Dr. Akanksha Chauhan
Dr. Akanksha Chauhan
Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrics
M.B.B.S and M.S (Obs-Gynae)

Assured. Affordable. Compassionate

just a call away


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Yes, it’s legal in India under section 3 of the MTP Act.

An abortion or MTP should be done only at any Registered Centre approved by Government.

The MTP Registration Certificate given by the State Government to the particular Centre or Hospital for MTP or Abortion Services.

Any women married or unmarried irrespective of her status can go for MTP’s or abortions at any registered Centre or Hospital.

Only ID Proof (Aadhar Card) and Written Consent of the women is required.

Yes, an unmarried or single women can terminate her unwanted pregnancy.

Yes, International patients are eligible for termination of their unwanted pregnancy in India.

An unmarried or single women can terminate her unwanted pregnancy up to 24 weeks after a landmark judgment titled as X v. Principal Secretary Health & Family Welfare Department & Anr. [2022 SCC Online SC 905] on 22.09.2022.

No, only the consent of only pregnant women is required.

Yes, Ultrasound Scan & its Report is essential to confirm the weeks & position of foetus before termination of pregnancy.

Yes, but consent of her legal guardian is mandatory.

There are two methods of MTP:
  1. 1. Medical Method
  2. 2. Suction Method

Suction Method is better for termination of pregnancy as its safe, pain free, certain with minimal chances of incomplete abortion.

No. Only the Gynecologists are authorized to give MTP Kits in the registered Centre as per section 5 Explanation of The MTP Act.

The MTP Pills are safe only when given by Qualified Gynecologists in the Registered Centre as there are chances of life-threatening bleeding and incomplete abortions with the pills.

Medical Method is allowed up to 7 weeks as per law but the result is uncertain.

Suction Method can be done up to 12 weeks for termination of pregnancy.

Yes, it’s absolutely safe, certain and pain free procedure of 15 minutes.

It takes 15 minutes in performing the suction procedure & discharge in 3 hours.

No, not at all. There will be no cuts, marks or stitches as it is absolutely safe done through Suction Machine.

No, not at all as the procedure will be done under anesthesia.

The Suction Method can be done only by experienced Gynecologists.

The patient should remain empty stomach before suction procedure.

Only same day rest is required after the procedure.

The patient can resume her work from next day of the procedure.

No, not at all but the procedure must be done at the Registered Centre only.

Not usually as it’s subjective & depends upon patient to patient & remains 1 to 2 weeks.

The Supreme Court has permitted Unmarried Women to terminate their unwanted pregnancy up to 24 Weeks in any Registered Centre or Hospital.

It’s illegal and unlawful to have termination of pregnancy from unregistered place. The criminal proceedings may take place. Moreover, there is risk of life also.

It’s highly unsafe and risky to consume abortion pills without ultrasound scan as it’s necessary to confirm the viability, duration and position of pregnancy whether it’s uterine or in tubes. Severe life-threatening bleeding may also occur. Around 8 women die every day due to complications of unsafe abortions in India.

Yes, its confirmatory but it must be corroborated by an Ultrasound Scan and Beta HCG Test.

A patient resumes her normal cycle between 6 to 8 Weeks after suction procedure.